Parkinson’s Causes And Symptoms: Treatment By Five Natural Home Remedies
It is a nervous system disorder that
affects the ability to control movements. This disease starts slowly and then
gets worsens over time. If you are a Parkinson's disorder
patient, you may shake, have muscle stiffness, and have trouble walking and
maintaining balance and coordination. When the disease worsens, you may face
problems in talking and sleeping. Parkinson's causes can be mental and memory
problems and can experience behavioral changes and many other symptoms.
Parkinson's Causes
This disease occurs when the neurons in a brain area called the substantial nigra become impaired and sometimes die. These cells are responsible for the production of dopamine, a chemical that helps the cells of the brain to communicate, i.e., transmits the signals, messages between the areas in the brain. When these cells become impaired or die, they can produce less dopamine.
Dopamine is an important chemical that works to operate another area of the brain known as the basal ganglia. This brain area is responsible for organizing the brain's commands for body movement. Because of dopamine loss, movement symptoms can be seen in Parkinson's patients.
Symptoms of Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's disease symptoms and the rate of decline vary from person to person and depend on the different types of Parkinson's disease. However, the following are the most common symptoms:
· Tremor: it is the condition in which shaking begins in the arms and hands and can also occur in the jaw or foot. In the early stage, usually, only one side of the body gets affected.
· Bradykinesia is the slowness of movement caused by the brain's slowness during the transmission of the necessary information to the appropriate parts of the body. These symptoms are unpredictable and can be disabling quickly.
· Rigid muscles/ stiff limbs: Rigidity is the inability of the muscles to relax in a normal state. It is caused by the uncontrolled tensing of muscles, and as a result, you cannot move about freely.
Natural Remedies for Parkinson's
Following are the natural remedies that used for Parkinson's disease treatment:
Raw Foods
In daily diet, the addition of raw fruits and vegetables can affect a person's overall health, beneficial for meningitis treatment. This is because raw foods are enriched with vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes, minerals, phytonutrients, and amino acids.
Fiber-Rich Foods
Parkinson's patients experience some digestive problems like inconsistent bowel movements or constipation. Some fibrous foods can also help with these issues and make ensure the metabolism functioning better.
Some people underestimate the effectiveness of natural remedies or lifestyle changes, but herbal remedies effectively treat Parkinson's condition. You can buy the best herbal medicine to treat Parkinson's condition from the best Hakeem in Lahore and the best Dawakhana, "Ajmal Dawakhana."Healthy Fats
When people hear about the word fat, they start to run in the opposite direction. However, healthy fats can help provide a number of health benefits, such as mental and neurological health benefits. You can get healthy fats from different sources like seeds such as flax, walnuts, wild caught fish, avocados, coconut, etc.
Omega-3 fatty acids
These fatty acids should be an important part of your diet whether you are a Parkinson's patient or not. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help elevate the dopamine level in the brain and is very helpful in Parkinson's treatment.
Green Tea
It has many different health benefits in green tea nutrients like polyphenol antioxidants and theanine presents. These antioxidants can help to fight against radicals that help to improve the dopamine levels in the brain.
Some people underestimate the effectiveness of natural remedies or lifestyle changes, but herbal remedies effectively treat Parkinson's condition. You can buy the best herbal medicine to treat Parkinson's condition from the best Hakeem in Lahore and the best Dawakhana, "Ajmal Dawakhana."